Waldon here, and guess what? :P

Almost everything I have to do is done! I've got one more night of dance left, and then it's just a few assignments and then back to my job! I can't wait! Sure, there'll be exams, but I can handle those. I can study in my free time after I get all my events and stuff done with.

I'm sick of having stuff to do. When we got back from Euro Trip, there was Drama Fest three days later. We got back from Drama Fest and suddenly it's Bre and I's Graduation. Now, not even two days after THAT, I have four consecutive nights of dancing. I'm beat out. >.<

I just don't find dancing as interesting as I used to, sadly.

So, last night (as I mentioned) I was dancing. Between acts, I was walking out to the lobby to get a drink while the audience was watching another show. Just as I opened the main lobby door, two little girls ran and tackled said door from the opposite side. Why? I still don't know. They just stood by the door and whispered after I gathered myself back up and walked on. Now, I wasn't expecting this at all. My forehead was expecting it even less. :P Now, I still have a headache and those two girls didn't even apologize for about a hundred pounds of force being applied to my cranium. Very unpleasant, I assure you. xD







Sorry about that. I've been playing Pokemon. Mr Duckles is one of my Pokemon. He is single-wingedly more awesome than almost every one of you. :P

Now. On with the post! xD

Today, was a good day I think. I started off normally enough, with the picking up and Bre and such. Then we went to school, where I had Nutrition first (I made Ice Cream, which I gave to Bre) and then double Math (Where I finished my book) followed by Art and then History (Where I played Pokemon with Sandra!). It was a good day.

I seriously hope you people don't believe I really don't do ANYTHING in school. I do do work. I just prefer not to talk about how I'm doing review Trig in math, or doing multiple choice in History.

After school, Bre and I picked up Sandra and picked up her brother a few things. He was hurt yesterday and I send my condolences to him and his concerned ones! Then Bre and I went to the Co Op where she picked out some stuff to make a cake for her dad. Then we dropped into the greenhouse where I'll be restarting work next week. I've got this weekend to finish everything off before I start.

Then this evening I was at the Theatre with the children's Dance group again, and our show went off almost perfectly. The two little girls we were acting with were a little hasty and premature with a few lines, but that's understandable, they're only just starting. Actually, for their age, they're doing remarkably well. In fact, they're better than quite a few of the improv actors I've met. :P

Still, I'd like to work with them some more and see if I can get some new ideas across.

Now, this evening I spent playing pokemon and reading up on my Math Placement Test. I think I'll head on to bed now though... Good night everybody!
Waldon here, and tonight's title is the song I'm currently listening to. It may not be inventive or witty, but I like the song... So there. :P

I had a normal day in school, I suppose. I didn't do anything exciting at least. Well, I worked canteen with Bre again, but I do that every Tuesday, so there's really nothing new about that. It was fun though.

After school, Bre came over for a little bit since she didn't have to tutor. It was a fun afternoon. We talked and listened to music. A lot of people wonder how we can just sit and talk without doing anything else. It's one of my most favorite things to do! I love just sitting down with people, Bre especially, and telling stories or listening. I love to listen to things. Although I have trouble telling words apart sometimes. :S There's nothing more relaxing than being somewhere far away from town and just listening. You can hear birds and bugs, maybe dogs or the occasional rodent scampering on. Living life. Doing small-woodland-animal type things. :P Wind in leaves, especially. That's such a relaxing sound.

I just got back from Dance class an hour ago or so. After lifting the girls, we found out that I'm the only one who can lift one girl above my head easily. People asked how, and I said I liked working out. Again, that spawned another question;

Why do you like working out?

I'll answer that here, I suppose. But I'll start off with a statement. There are many, many different reasons that people work out. It's the same reason that people are putting themselves in contests or competitions for some, or it might be the thrill of doing it, heck, some people might even just be doing it for laughs. Others still do it for their health.

I do it for another reason completely. I do it because I was told as a child that as a Type 1 Diabetic diagnosed so young my life is likely going to be very unstable, physically. My body should be weak and frail. I have so many hormone deficiencies and genetic abrasions that it's ridiculous to think about. So I work out and make myself stronger...

Because I need to be stronger. I need to prove to myself, at the very least, that I'm not totally worthless. There's a rush that comes with exercise. A type of hormone called Endorphins are released with working out and they make your body feel very good, alive, fresh... strong. Like you could conquer the world. It's actually addictive, and without it people go through workout withdrawal. I work out to show myself that I can do things. I can achieve something if I try.

When I think back to being younger- not being able to run to the end of my street without collapsing, not even able to climb a tree without hurting my arms, or do a dozen sit ups because everybody was afraid I would break if I was put through too much stress because of my diabetes and assorted other diseases... I get more determined not to let myself fall back to that level. I work out with heavy weights and with extreme pressure to make myself develop physically to a level that nobody will ever be able to compete with, unless you're like myself.

In which case, you know exactly what I'm talking about right now, don't you? I can't explain it any more. It's all mental. You'd need to feel what I feel, or what people that think like me feel, to understand.

Anyway, I don't think I can expand any more on it. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm not built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or the Rock. But I'm strong enough. Stronger than most, if what I see around this town holds true.

So, I'm done for the night. Good night everybody. :)
Now, I think that is a legitimate question. I didn’t know the answer so I was free to ask it. Mom and Thomas were talking about something and it just popped into my head. Is “I think I love you” an opinion? Or is it just a statement? I don’t really know. Sometimes, when you’re stating an opinion, you start off with “I think,” correct? When you say “I think I love you,” that really is more of a statement, isn’t it? But in saying that, you sound unsure of yourself. I suppose loving someone isn’t really an opinion? It just sounds like one.

Soooooooooo… I’ve had writer’s block for several days now. Between that paragraph (^) and this one, there was about fifteen minutes of silence. It really sucked. I’ve been having so much trouble writing it’s absolutely ridiculous. My speech was due today, as I might have mentioned before. If I didn’t, well, my speech was due today. I didn’t have to present, thank goodness! That would have been awful because I’m still not feeling great. Oh well. It doesn’t matter anyway.

Did anything exciting happen today? Well… Junior did better on his Math test than I did on mine. That was quite the blow to my pride, I tell you. We had to work the canteen today at lunch. Deejay, Nikita, Junior, and I all went there. It was hot dog day again. I can’t STAND those things. They’re absolutely repulsive. I know I used to eat them, but if I were to eat one now, I’d throw up. Anywho. Everything went well. We ended up making WAY too many hot dogs. The price was reduced from 1.50$ to 1$ shortly before the choir kids showed up. This sold a few of them. We tried to pawn off several hot dogs at a time (like 6 to a person) just to get rid of them all. In the end, Junior went out into the cafeteria to give out the remaining 25 or so for free. THAT was when people wanted them. Ick. They’re just so disgusting. I can’t believe we got hot dog day at the canteen. Pizza day? I can handle. Hot dog day? Ugh.

After school, I had to stay in to tutor someone new. Today was our second day. I quite like him! He seems like a really nice young man. When we were done around 4:30, I sat out in the lobby and waited for Junior. I thought it was only fair, considering the circumstances. He was done a little while later, and he, Sam and I all left. On the way to drop Sam off we played an alphabet game. I started with the letter “A” and said a word that began with this letter. Junior was next, and Sam went third. We continued playing this game until we arrived in Sam’s driveway. As Sam was getting out of the truck, Junior finished with “Z.” I can’t remember the word, though… Then Junior dropped me off at home.

He had dance tonight, so I haven’t been talking to him too much. I was talking to him earlier before I had to go to the store, and now I’m talking to him again. Exciting stuff, oui? Other than that, I haven’t been doing much at all. I pigged out on Skittles because they were just sitting there. In total, I think I ate about a full big pack of them. Gosh, I really need a life. :(

Oh yes! Before I end this, I’d just like to thank my Mom for occasionally reading our blog. Love you, Mom! :)    Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, and can you guess what that question is? :P

"Is there anybody you'd like to punch in the face?"

I mean, really. Is that a question you just ask people? xD But to answer, yes. There is. In fact, there are several people. But if I am allowed to continue on this train of thought, I would not punch them. Punching people has only solved one of my problems and that was when both my problems and I were too young to work it out between ourselves. Punching people will not get me a grad date that means anything to me, nor will it fix my degenerate body or heal my wounded self-confidence. So, I'll say this to people now. Violence doesn't solve many problems and those problems can almost always be reached with a compromise for everybody. Just let things go. It's easier to just let past grievances stay forgotten or forgiven and accepted, than it is to bring them up needlessly. Although, that's easier said than done, I'll admit.

Anyways, onto the blog before I get myself into another long angry rant with no real purpose, eh?

This morning was a bit of an odd morning. I woke up late, and I had some odd dream about my dad... But I can't remember it, I wish I could. It would have made an excellent filler for the blog. :P After I had myself all readied and stuff, I found out that Bre is too sick to go to school today. I drove down anyway. I needed to pick some stuff up at her house, and I like seeing her in the morning.

First period I had math, and then art and then history. I spent all three periods reading or watching movies. It was ridiculous. I finished my book though. That's a plus. :P

Lunchtime was... weird. I was working the canteen, and things just became surreal. I think there was a gas leak or something. Hot Dog fumes? I was dancing and singing, I was even making stupid similes and funny voices. I scared off the neighboring canteen's customers. Maybe it was because Bre wasn't around. Withdrawal? I was kind of lonely. xD

After lunch was the same as the previous periods. I don't think I did any real work all day. I've got Nutrition first tomorrow, so I guess I'll have a repeat of today.

After supper I went to Dance class. My partner wasn't there, so I was just a spectator all night. Nothing really exciting. Now here I am, waiting/hoping for Bre to text back before I go to sleep. Good night all!
Waldon here and I love the title song. One of my nurses when I was having a prolonged stay at the hospital a few years back sang it during her rounds once. It cheered me up. I don't think there's a problem with my editor tonight, I can copy and paste at least. But that is no consolation to me when the post I had for last night doesn't have any importance now anyway since I'm too lazy to go back and change the tense of every verb to the past. Yeah, I'm lazy, but hopefully people who read this know me well enough to know that I'm not a total lost case. I'm not entirely incorrigible. :P

So I've had this twitch in my left eyelid for the past 3 days now. I think it was three days. I'm not sure when it started exactly. I'm fairly certain it was the day after my eye appointment though. Which reminds me, thank you so much Bre for driving me to and from there. I'd have been in a tough spot without somebody to guide me around. It's annoying. I can be doing anything when all of a sudden my left eye gets all blurry because my eyelid is doing jumping jacks. I mean, why? Why did my eye just up and decide to get an attitude? It's exasperating.

Today was just another regular school day, really. We worked in the canteen at lunch (Bre and I) with a couple other people. That was fun, although I've worked there for over 3 years now and I still haven't found out exactly what our hot dogs are made of. It looks like meat, it tastes kind of like meat, but I've eaten a lot of stuff, and I can tell there's very little real meat in that wiener. It's a mystery that I'm not entirely sure I want to solve.

After school I was planning to stay in for either Art Club or our Eurotrip meeting, but neither actually happened. So I drove my friend home, after which Bre and I went to our local arts and office supply store and picked some stuff up. I got some new inking pens, but I haven't thought of anything to try them out with yet. Anybody got any suggestions?

After supper I took my incredibly lazy dog for a walk. I love Gunner and I love walking at night. I spent the whole walk looking at the half moon and watching the clouds around it. It's fascinating. Every night you can be sure that the moon will be there following the same schedule it's been doing ever since it first entered Earths orbit. It seems like no matter how well we try to organize and schedule our lives, the randomness and diversity  of the wild nature has already beat us to it. Even though it's all changing every day, it changes for the same reasons that happen randomly. Flowers growing in a field? There IS nutrient, soil, water and sunlight/energy. Fish living in a stream? There IS food, warmth and security. We think that we can classify everything we do and call it a real neat order, but nature and wild beauty has been doing it for so long that it even takes every random event and puts it in it's place and resumes it's course. We have a lot to learn.

After the walk I had dance class, nothing new really happened at it, but I was told that I looked like a part of the clergy. Wait, that's a lie, something DID happen. Please forgive me, I don't try to lie. It just happens. :P

When I first got to my dance class, I was locked outdoors. Somebody had closed the one way locking doors. Wonderful. So, I stood around for a few minutes knocking. The people in the office next to the door ignored me. Off I went, around to the other side of the building to see if there was somebody near one of THOSE doors, no luck. By now I had been standing around the building for about 20 minutes or more. I should mention something, I was dressed in almost all black wearing ripped jeans. The Anglican Cross I had on my chest, you couldn't see. I wasn't a reassuring sight I assume. So when a young girl, maybe 10 years old, walks out into the hallway I knock on the door, she tries to ignore me, notices for certain. . .

And runs away.

Here I am, cold and alone outside of a building that's supposedly closed, dressed like a robber. Great, right? I go back to the main door and knock some more. Soon, the principal of the school comes out from his tutoring session because he actually hears me knocking this time and lets me in. Thank god he knows me. Otherwise I'd have probably been pretty far up that creek. Well, farther up that creek than previously. Dance class soon happens, nothing else really important during the night to report. I was texting Bre the whole time, so I wasn't rightfully alone, but I still felt a little uncomfortable waiting outdoors.

Anyway, I think I'm done for the night, so good night everybody.
Waldon here, and I am currently suffering through two things. Of which, I'm not sure which causes me more pain/discomfort. One, the girl whom I like and who I was going to ask to the Snowball/Prom is going with another guy who she's currently "On the go" with. Somebody else a few nights ago pointed out to me how much they hate that phrase. I'm starting to agree. Secondly, I am going through an EXTREME writers block. It took me an hour to get to this word HERE.

I'm thinking about doing yoga again. I can only remember a couple of positions, but my dance teacher knows some, and she might be able to refer me to a good place to learn again. I'm still recuperating with my knee, so anything to help with that will help.

There are so many things I think people can learn from physical contemplation. The original form of Yoga, Muai Thai, Kendo, Kung Fu, Karate, Sambo, Kickboxing, they all use mental tactics to win in a bout between two people. War. But now they can be used for relaxation and physical relief, from this spawns two more important things; Emotional empathy and mental study. These are two things I think people should practice, I believe that if we want our lives to be full and complete, we need to use our bodies. We need to move and be a part of the world. We are all animals. Animals hunt, move, wait and ambush. They're always DOING something. Sadly, we are not. So many people now have let themselves get shut away inside of their basements or in the dark and watch their televisions or sleep. Play xbox, ps3, wii, anything to distract themselves.

Do you know why?

It's because it is an easy sense of achievement. Without once having to move from their couch, they can save the world or win the grand prix. It gives people a sense of elation to know that they can excel. I want people to see what the world can offer them. If we all stood up and walked, if we all stood up and ran, we could all see things as they really are. Though the endorphins and hormones are what we use to explain the feeling we get after working or moving, I believe it is because we are doing what we are supposed to do. We're doing what our animal selves want to do. We acheive a sense of oneness between mind, soul and body. True art, yeah?

Well, maybe Daniel Ilabaca has a better way to express it. Links don't cooperate with me for some reason, so I'll just tell you how to see his video. Go to youtube and search for "Daniel Ilabaca Choose not to Fall". Truly inspirational.

Well, I'm out of things to talk about tonight, so . . . Good night Everybody!
Waldon here, and my quote this evening is from Cee Lo Green- an artist who's work I'm particularly fond of. My taste in music is extremely varied. I listen to folk, funk, metal, rock, classic rock, classical, soul, techno and almost everything harmonic or instrumental, or more easily; everything that spreads a message or reason. . . aside from sugar pop and hair metal. Lets not talk about those. I am a firm believer in finding the human condition through music and the arts.

We can always spread our message through a song, piece of art or literature. We can show the world our message, without ever once resorting to violence or meaningless hatred. Hatred solves nothing besides vindicating our own fallacies.

I don't write that there like some sort of holy martyr suffering through a world of ignorant savages, I write this as a guy who grew up thinking that violence is the best way to solve a problem, but being taught otherwise. If you could see me, you would think I was a teenage anarchist. But contrary to my brutal appearance, I dislike violence. It hurts. I don't like hurting people.

Earlier tonight, I had dance class. I love dance class. My teacher taught us a few steps for swing dancing. I had no idea it was so fun! On the off chance that she reads this (unlikely) I would like to apologize one more time to my dance partner from this evening. She is MUCH more experienced than I am and I'm ashamed to admit that I dropped her several times. My apologies.

Now, once more into the breach good friends, once more I venture into the fray. I must fight my mathematics assignment, for better or worse for my glory and success. My hope grows thin, but I must press forward. Good night people of the world,
I thought it was midnight. Silly Waldon. Clocks are used to tell time.

So I've had a busy couple of days, I've participated in my second dance class of this school year, had my first mental destruction from math and accidentally scared the crap out of a little girl while walking around.

Yeah, I'm a dancer, what of it?

I don't understand so many people when they say that dancing is gay. Why would it be gay? Let me ask you something: What do you other guys do on your Tuesday nights? Video games? Walking the dog? Homework? Hanging out with friends? I got you ALL beat. I go to the dance class, and lift girls in tight clothing and let them climb over me. Suckers.

Our math class had a test today, and I'm sure I bombed it. I cant have gotten above 65, its impossible. Math is a subject I can't get behind. I mean, in reality, when you throw a ball you don't NEED to figure out where the ball is going to land, you can just watch and SEE where it lands. It's a simple concept. I also don't understand why we need to make everything so COMPLICATED! We had to make a "Quadratic equation" to find how long the sides would be with 2 equal sided squares if you had 60 cm of rope. Why not just cut the rope in half, and then divide those two halves into 4? It makes SO MUCH SENSE. Can't be practical.

So about scaring that little girl. I was walking down the street a couple nights ago, and I stepped into the streetlight in front of a house. There was a little girl playing in the front yard, doing her thing, she looks up, sees me, and SCREAMS! It was so loud! Why? Am I that terrifying? It baffles me. She was inside in 5 seconds flat. It was a confusing night, and I can, sadly, recount several times where similar events have occurred. Oh well, I guess I'm a monster.

Well, I guess that about covers the interesting quotient of my night.